Glenn Beck In New York City Looking For History Changing Breaking New Secret

Glenn Beck In New York City Looking For History Changing Breaking New Secret

This video just released on YouTube by WeAreTheSavageNation straight from Glenn Beck on what could turn out to be the most historic night in Americas history as we are made aware of the events that have transpired leading up to this history defining moment in our great constitution based nation.

Obama Aide: ‘Irrelevant Fact’ Where President Was During Benghazi Attacks

Source found here
9:48 AM, MAY 19, 2013 • BY DANIEL HALPER

Obama aide Dan Pfeiffer said it’s an “irrelevant fact” where the president physically was during
the Benghazi terror attack on September 11, 2012:

Host Chris Wallace reminds Pfeiffer that Obama didn’t really talk with Secretary Clinton,
Secretary Panetta, or Martin Dempsey, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, that night.
“He was talking to his national security staff,” Pfeiffer insists.

Asked about whether the president entered the Situation Room, Pfeiffer says, “I don’t
remember what room the president was in on that night, and that’s a largely irrelevant fact.”

Pfeiffer then argues that Wallace’s questions about the president’s handling of the Benghazi
terror attack are “offensive.”

UPDATE: Here’s a full rush transcript of the exchange:

WALLACE: let’s turn to benghazi. he had a meeting with panetta in the afternoon, heard
about this on an unrelated subject, wanted them to deploy forces as soon as possible.
The next time he shows up, hillary clinton says she spoke to him at around 10:00 that night
after the attack at the consulate, not the annex, but the attack at the consulate had ended.
question, what did the president do the rest of that night to pursue benghazi?

PFEIFFER:  the president was kept up to do throughout the entire night, from the moment
it started till the end. this is a horrible tragedy, people that he sent abroad whose lives are
in risk, people who work for him. i recognize that there’s a series of conspiracy theories the
republicans are spinning about this since the night it happened, but there’s been an
independent review of this, congress has held hearings, we provided 250,000 pages
of — 250,000 pages of documents up there. there’s been 11 hearings, 20 staff briefings.
everyone has found the same thing. this is a tragedy. the question is not what happened
that night. the question is what are we going to do to move forward and ensure it doesn’t
happen again? congress should act on what the president called for earlier this week, to
pass legislation to actually allow us to implement the recommendations of the accountability
review board. when we send diplomats off into far-flung places, there’s inherent risk. we need
to mitigate that risk.

WALLACE: with all due respect, you didn’t answer my question. what did the president do
that night?

PFEIFFER:  kept up to date with the events as they were happening.

WALLACE: he didn’t talk to the secretary of state except for the one time when the first
attack was over. he didn’t talk to the secretary of defense, he didn’t talk to chiefs. the
chairman of the joint who was he talking to?

PFEIFFER:  his national security staff, his national security council.

WALLACE: was he in the situation room?

PFEIFFER:  he was kept up to date throughout the day.

WALLACE: do you know know whether he was in the situation room?

PFEIFFER:  i don’t know what room he was in that night. that’s a largely irrelevant fact.

WALLACE: well —

PFEIFFER:  the premise of your question, somehow there was something that could
have been done differently, okay, that would have changed the outcome here. the
accountability roof board has looked at this, people have looked at this. it’s a horrible
tragedy, and we have to make sure it doesn’t happen again.

WALLCE: here’s the point, though, the ambassador goes missing, the first ambassador
in more than 30 years is killed. four americans, including the ambassador, are killed.
dozens of americans are in jeopardy. the president at 4:00 in the afternoon says to the
chairman of the joint chiefs to deploy forces. no forces are deployed. where is he while
all this is going on?

PFEIFFER:  this has been tested to by —

WALLACE: well, no. no one knows where he is, who was involved, the —

PFEIFFER:  the suggestion of your question that somehow the president —

WALLACE: i just want to know the answer.

PFEIFFER:  the assertions from republicans that the president didn’t take action
is offensive. there’s no evidence to support it.

WALLACE: i’m simply asking a question. where was he? what did he do? how did
he respond in who told him you can’t deploy forces and what was his president?

PFEIFFER:  the president was in the white house that day, kept up to date by his
national security team, spoke to the joint chiefs of staff earlier, secretary of state,
and as events unfolded he was kept up to date.